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Individual Therapy

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Individual Therapy: Welcome

Are you feeling stuck? Have you been feeling unhappy for a long time and don’t know why? You’ve tried to cope on your own but nothing seems to work. Maybe you’re questioning a life decision and are wondering if it’s too late to change direction. You feel confused, lost and maybe even out of control. Life can be hard and we often go through the motions of our daily routines not realizing how unhappy we are until it starts affecting our mood, relationships and overall health. 

The decision to start individual therapy means that you have decided to prioritize your wellbeing. You are tired of resigning yourself to feeling stuck, stressed and overwhelmed. You want to feel better and enjoy your life.

Individual Therapy: Text

Potential Symptoms

  • Feeling isolated or lonely

  • Experiencing low self-worth

  • Difficulty finding joy in life

  • Stuck in negative thought patterns and fears

  • Feeling hopeless that life won’t get better

  • General feeling of ‘stuckness’ or discontentment

Benefits of Therapy

  • Discover a deeper understanding of who you are

  • Cope with difficult emotions and life stresses

  • Form healthy boundaries and change

  • Gain greater self-confidence and worth

  • Feel less lonely and isolated

  • Begin a better quality of life

Individual Therapy: List

Areas of Focus

Emotional Regulation

Do you often find yourself on an 'emotional rollercoaster' - struggling to gain control of intense emotions, leading to difficult thoughts and unhealthy behaviours? Is is important to note, all of us can become dysregulated when triggered as emotions are part of being human. That being said, I will help you untangle long standing patterns so that you can take back control over your emotions and live a happier life.


Depression happens to one in four of us. It causes persistent feelings of sadness, despair and loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can lead to various emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to function in many aspects of your life. Finding ways to foster the happiness you deserve is a major goal in our work together. We will explore the underlying emotions and thoughts that create a barrier to move toward your values and life goals.


Anxiety is an alarm system, otherwise known as the 'fight-or-flight' response, that is activated whenever a person perceives danger or a threat. It prepares us for action and is an innate emotion to allow you to survive. The thing is, our brain is not evolved to know the difference between a real or perceived threat so your body can react like you are in danger even if you are not. In our work you will learn anxiety management skills such as grounding and differentiating between a real and perceived threat.


Did you know that our brains generate about 80,000 thoughts each day and about 80% of them are negative. Many times our minds take us on unhelpful spirals of interpretations and assumptions in an attempt to make sense of events in our life. The trick is to learn to see these thoughts for what they are by restructuring them, overcoming their biases and thinking in a 'balanced' way which is what we will do in our work together.

Self-Harm & Suicidality

Humans go to great lengths to protect themselves from pain and injury. However, when stressful situations and feelings become too much, some will turn to self-harm as a way of coping with painful emotions, thoughts and situations. While self-harm is an attempt to cope and is not usually a suicide attempt, those who injure themselves are at higher risk for suicide. Together we will identify and manage underlying triggers, learning healthy coping mechanisms to help regulate emotions and boost your self-image.

Eating Disorders & Body Image

Eating disorders are behavioural conditions characterized by severe or persistent disturbance in eating behaviours, and associated distressing/unrealistic thoughts and unhelpful emotions. In our work we will focus on behaviors, thoughts and feelings related to the eating disorder and/or body image issues. After helping you gain healthy eating behaviors, we will learn to recognize and change distorted thoughts, emotions that impact how you see your body.


Low self-esteem is characterized by a lack of confidence and feeling badly about oneself. People with low self-esteem often feel unlovable, inadequate, or unworthy. Often, individuals lacking self-esteem see rejection and disapproval even when there isn't any, leaving you easily wounded by others. In our work, we focus on self-compassion and affirming self worth to help you take back your power.

Life Coaching

So often we spend our time thinking about others' needs. But right now, you need to get introspective about what you need and want. Your life and its direction are your responsibility and your privilege - so what life do you want to live? What do you want your future to look like? In our work we will uncover the answers to these questions and I will support in facilitating the required change to live a more meaningful life.

Individual Therapy: Our Services
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